SIDS and Kids Qld Memorial Wall Launch

SIDS and Kids Queensland Memorial Wall and Garden Opening

On Sunday the 21st of August 2011 I was asked to attend the opening of a very special memorial wall and garden at the head office of SIDS and Kids Qld.

What a wonderful day it turned out to be and what beautiful people I had the pleasure of meeting. I also caught up with the lovely Kylie Darbey and her beautiful boys and shed a tear at the plaque for you little girl Hayley who's short life is honoured in this beautiful place. Kylie is not only a beautiful person and sole but she is incredibly talented and spends a lot of her spare time making wonderful Journals for Yasminah's Gift of Hope.

At the launch there were tears and hugs and admiration as we listened to the founder of Sids Qld and her tireless efforts to start such a wonderful place where families can go and find help for the loss of any child up to the age of 6 years that unfortunately are lost not only to Sids but under any sad circumstance.

This beautiful garden can now be a place where families can go and feel safe and peaceful a place where they can just sit and remember not only their baby or child but all the Angel babies and children. My friend Brenda has now ordered a plaque for her Little boy Zak and another for her Auntie that lost a baby many years ago. This baby is buried in New Zealand but will be honoured and remembered in this garden. This has brought so much peace her her as she now has a special place in Australia and close to home where she can go and remember.

To have a plaque placed in this special garden all you need to do is visit or contact SIDS and Kids Qld. The plaques are free but most families leave a donation to help SIDS to continue their wonderful work and maintain the garden.

The gorgeous mural and wall with sadly too many names on it. Lots of tissues needed as I read names especially when I know so many of the families

A place in the garden where families can also leave personal massages to their children

Garden Plaque names

A peaceful waterfall flows in this special place

There always has to be a cake

Walking into the front reception you are greeted with on of CarlyMarie's gorgeous Butterfly Beach images. WOW!!!! it looks amazing

On this special day I met a lady that has written a wonderful book that is helping many families to cope with Miscarriage and Pregnancy loss you may like to check her book out at

Big Love and Hugs to all the families and stuff of SIDS and Kids Qld

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