Orders are now closed until 2015

Orders are now closed until 2015

It is with a heavy heart and much sadness that today I will be closing all orders for my jewellery and may not be making any more 

I will be taking some time off and reconsidering where I am in January 2015

This morning I received what I consider to be a very hurtful email. Questioning not only the quality of my jewellery, as there was a scratch and what is described to me as scuff marks  on a pendant I sent that in no way was intentional and would certainly be replaced or refunded. Sadly jewellery can get scratched and every care is taken that it arrives in perfect condition

What has brought be to this decision is that this email has questioned my true and genuine caring for families  I have helped and alludes to me maybe not been genuine in my sympathies or that I am not truly sensitive to the needs of families 

Yes this has truly rocked me to my core. I could not care more or be more genuine in my love and feeling for families I have tried to help over the years. 

To be honest I am shattered and I have only continued to make jewellery for families as I actually care too much for them 

Over the past year I have started to take on more and more with my husband business and still do my jewellery to help. I try and keep my prices as reasonable as possible to help as our family is provided for by my husband and not by my jewellery 

Any orders I do currently have will be filled but I will no longer be taking any for 2014

I am so sad today, I hope this break helps my heart. Every piece of jewellery I have ever made I put all my love care and attention into.

Sending love and blessings to all for the Christmas New Year period and lets see what 2015 brings to us all 

Love and Light 


Sue xxx

Too the families I have grown to love over the years I say, Thank you for your love and now friendships xxx

I can not thank everyone enough for your beautiful comments it has helped me so much today. You know as I read them I remember your pieces and your loved ones lost. I have spent the morning with Jason my jeweler and a lovely lady filling a bracelet Jason made for her and she insisted I put the photo up. Your comments texts and emails have helped me so much and the love and hugs from this lady this morning has helps as well. I guess it has been a long year and I will still take these weeks over the Christmas and New Year period heal as so many of your stories I do take on and it makes my heart heavy. I guess feeling so questioned about my sensitivity and knowing of the importance of the piece of jewellery this morning, even if not intentional has still really hurt. Anyone that knows me knows I will do anything to help and rectify any issues. So thank you again for you understanding. 
With this much love I am sure I will return in 2015
I just currently need some time as I do every year to heal myself 
I do take time off each year this time is just a little sooner than normal 


  1. I don't even know what to say to this. This is so upsetting to me. All of the jewelery that you have made for me and my family (one piece for me and one for Louise in the memory of Thomas, and one for Wombat from Thomas) has been beautiful and obviously crafted out of great care and love.

    I'm so so sorry that this has been said to you.

    I can say with conviction that you DO care about the families...and that you are VERY sincere. And you have been nothing but lovely to us.

    Please know that while I understand your need to take a break and reassess...not everyone feels the same as that person who emailed you.

    Kris xxooxx

  2. You do BEAUTIFUL work Sue. Your work has helped maaaaaaaaaaaaaaany families in their grieving process. This person *obviously* doesn't believe that and they should be ashamed, utterly ashamed! Artists have feelings too!

  3. Why are you letting this person win?! If you need to take a break because your heart is hurting too much carrying the burdens with the families and their losses that's one thing. But to even give this person a second thought is just so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how much the jewelry you made me means to me! You know what it means to families who don't have anything of their children at all to at least be able to wear a piece of jewelry with sand from the beach where their children't names were written. I'm praying that as the days pass you'll realize that there are always people out there who want to hurt everyone around them. You can't change your whole life because of what one person says! Humongous hug from across an ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Thank you everyone for your kinds words. I am sure with so much love I will be back in 2015. For now I just need to take my Christmas break that little bit early. Lynn you know me too well I think and my inability to let anyone down. I think in the New Year I will be around just scaled down a little. Hugs to you all

  5. Hi Sue
    I only came across your website over the last few weeks and was very impressed. Your work speaks for itself. Although it was a very hurtful email by a very unreasonable person you need to understand that the type of person that sent it goes through life with a chip on their shoulder and dont care who they hurt. ALL businesses come across these types of people and you need to put it at the back of your mind (because it is upsetting), you did everything you could to help them. I would love to check your website in 2015 and see you up and running again and I would gladly place my order with you. Have a wonderful Christmas and a well earn break and dont let bullies ruin your dream
    Best Wishes

  6. HI Derryn thank you and too all that have contacted me since this post. yes I will be back in 2015 to help families heal through my jewellery I can not let this one person take way what I have to give. Hugs to all see you in 2015 xxx


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