The Healing Power of An Angel Ball

The Healing Power of An Angel ball

Angel Balls Available in Sterling Silver or 9ct Gold

"I just want something simple". "I don't know what I want or need"."I lost my baby very early in my pregnancy." " What is an Angel Ball?" "How can it help me remember and Heal?" "How do I wear it?" "What does it represent?"

These are some of the things I hear in emails, website enquires and on Facebook. I will now explain what an Angel Ball means to me and maybe it will help others.

I got my first Angel ball I must say over 15yrs ago I have always loved them. It is a very large ball that I hang on a long chain. After 15yrs it still chimes and sings the same beautiful message it always has. Angel Balls over the years have been called all sorts of things and have so many meanings to people. Some call them Fairy Balls, Gypsy Balls, Harmony Balls or as I know them Angel Balls. No matter what you choose to call them I believe they have an amazing ability to heal your heart and soul.

Many years ago I started to give Angel Balls to friends as gifts when they were pregnant as in times of Gypsy's they would wear them not only to protect an unborn child but the baby would hear the Angel ball sing and then when the baby would always know it's Mother when raised in a community of Gypsy's.

I try to help families with Angel Balls as so often families just want something simple or they don't really know what they are after or a baby was lost too early in a pregnancy to have hand or footprints taken. Angel Balls are perfect for everyone to remember anyone of any age as I engrave the ball with your loved ones name and as it rings I believe you hear your loved ones message from Heaven.

I have whole families that have embraced Angel Balls and an example is Ricky's family that all wear one to remember him. Anyone that has followed my FB page for any time would know how special his family has become to me. Not only do all Ricky's sister's and mother wear an Angel Ball so does is Goddaughter that was Christened after his passing. The Angel Ball was given to her as a gift from him to always know that he will be watching over her from Heaven. As it rings she will remember and hear him as he sends his messages. More recently I have had another whole family wear Angel Balls to remember a beautiful little boy sadly gone too soon.

People have also purchased Angel Balls purely due to the fact that they make "noise". Something they love as they may wish to have "sound" with them as they move. I remember helping a lady in America, she did not know what to wanted yet she just wanted something simple and small to remember her baby Anna. I told her about Angel Balls and she loved the idea so I got her one, had it engraved with Anna's name and sent it home. A few weeks later I got an email from her saying how much she loved her ball and that one day while in the kitchen her ball was ringing and her son said to her "Mommy I hear Anna" Yes I lost it and cried a river of tears. This is what an Angel Ball is suppose to do, they sound and send you messages.

Angel Balls are not only for loved ones lost they are also wonderful for having with you if a loved one is sick. I was helping a lovely lady years ago with a little locket idea to have her daughter with her all day even as she worked as a nurse at a hospital pediatric ward. Never did she think she would ever be "one"of "those" Mothers taken into "that" room to be told the devastating news she was about to be told. Immediately we stopped work on her locket and the focus was straight to an Angel ball one for her and one for her little girl. The Angel Ball for Mum was to wear and to listen too as her daughter underwent treatment. The Angels were sent to help calm her. Through emails I did hear that they did and that she would ring it and listen at the most difficult of times. Her little girl would wear hers always knowing she was not ever alone and would be protected. I am happy to say I got an email not so long ago from this lady and her daughter is doing well and should now have a long and happy life.

I mentioned briefly before I would give Angel Balls to friends years ago as a gift while they were pregnant to talk to and protect unborn babies. Sadly we all know that not all babies are born healthy and often Mum's and Dad's know the baby is sick well before birth with the results of scans and various other tests. Examples could be Heart Babies or Babies with Trisomy 18, these babies sometime will not be with there families on Earth long. This week I have sent an Angel Ball to a lady pregnant with a little boy with Trisomy 18 for now while he is still with his Mum I hope the Angel Ball will sing to him. Then as his Mother wrote "Goes to be with Jesus" I hope she will continue to wear the Angel Ball and hear his messages to her from Heaven.

Whether you choose to believe in Angel Balls or not I find them to me one of my personal favorites and if you are ever looking for something simple that can say so much and Angel Ball could be a good choice of keepsake for you. Angel Balls come in various sizes and are suitable for Necklaces or Bracelets as these pictures can show.

Never hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or think an Angel Ball my help you or someone you know

Angel balls in silver range from $75 Available in solid 9ct Gold and priced from $445

Please click on and visit Angel Ball blog post for range and pricing 

Love and Light

Sterling Silver Angel Ball

9ct Gold Angel Balls Available (all three Gold Colours)

Please be mindful that gold is a very different metal to silver and does not "sound" anything like the silver balls. Silver conducts the sound far more clearly and sweeter than gold. I would always recommend silver Angel balls over gold for sound quality however they can be made is gold as I know some people do not wear silver. If you do know someone with a silver ball you gold one will not be or sound anything like it.

An Angel Ball in a Necklace different sizes and lengths available also this style with CZ covering it
To see prices of above standard Angel Balls go to this link click on below
Angel balls

An Angel Ball used as part of a Story Bracelet
See Story Jewellery Post for more details

Another Angel Ball uses as on a Story Bracelet
story bracelets POA it will depend on what is involved and charms locket chosen
prices can start as low as $150 

On a Bracelet so simple yet saying so much to this little girls Mum.
standard 19cm chunkier sty bracelet no butterfly start from  $120
butterfly and ball additional approx $35 to $50 depending on style
it all depends on size and how chunky you would like your bracelet to be 

One Angel Ball remembering Two Angels in Heaven
$85 for bracelet with ball add $20 per butterfly or dragonfly 

An Angel Ball on my Pandora Bracelet
Pandora Angel ball  $85

 Fine chain bracelet Angel ball $85

Angel Balls can now be altered to hold a very small amount of ashes or hair. The amount they can hold is only a very small amount as an Angel ball needs lots of room inside for the chimes to ring. The cost of this alteration in silver is an additional $50 if you already have an Angel ball and would like it altered then yes you can post back registered post and we can do this for you. These can be filled and sealed by me or by you.

Angel balls of any style can have Angel Wings, Butterflies, Dragonflies, initials or any little charm added, Just be mindful as they swing and hang next to the ball they can scratch the ball. These are simple little sterling silver charms and prices average $15


  1. A beautiful and extremely accurate description of one of your gorgeous angel balls Sue. Not only do they make the most amazing sound but to just hold the angel ball in the palm of your hand creates such a calming effect.I dearly love mine as do my girls. We wear them always so we can always hear Ricky.

  2. I have been intrigued by your angel balls since I have seen them. I just love that they make noise. I think that is so special. One day I'd love to get an angel ball or 2 of my own. ♥

  3. I LOVE my Angel Ball. Its beautiful and Miss G loves making it move so she can hear it.
    Hugs xxx

  4. I would love to buy one :) please help me choose the best one for my twin angels xx

  5. I Ann I am sorry for your loss. I would suggest a single ball with the two names on it or a ball with two wing one for each Angel xx

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