Angel "Telephone"

Angel "Telephone"

I was contacted by a lovely family in Perth not long after I posted about The Healing Power of Angel Balls. This family was trying to find something simple yet meaningful to help them Heal after the loss of their Baby Girl. Little did they know the true power of something this special especially as seen by a young boy. below with their permission I will share their story of how Angel Balls have helped the whole family heal. They have asked to share in the hope that this story may too help others. Big Love and Hugs for sharing.

Hi Sue,

I'm so sorry that i did'nt reply sooner. I've had such a busy week and just didn't have the time to sit down and really give this email my full attention like it deserves.

We did get our Angel Balls and they are everything we expected and more. I absolutely agree with you about the engraving. It is written so delicately and they are just beautiful. Thankyou so much, not only have they given us a sence of closure but have also helped our family in a way we did'nt expect.

As i'm sure you assumed that one of the balls was for me and the other was for my husband. Well when we recieved them we unpacked the parcel together and looked and listened to each of them. I placed mine on my chain and put it on more or less straight away. Mark intended to put his on a string of leather that he has hung up in his office which also has our 2 sons finger prints in silver hung on. My eldest son Marky Jr is nearly 3 and a half and was very excited about my pregnancy, came with me to all my ultrasounds and appointments and he was always asking questions and is a very protective big brother. He would also pretend he had a baby in his tummy and when we first told him that i was pregnant i was only six weeks along. We asked if he wanted another baby brother or a little sister and he said with no doubt that the baby was a little sister. Nothing during my pregnancy would change his mind and eventually we found out that he was right and we were expecting a girl.
Then when we lost our baby we told him that God had made her an Angel and needed to take her up to Heaven to be his special helper, but he is still so young and doesn't quiet understand, and would ask about why we couldn't visit her in Heaven or give her the things we had brought for her. Two months later he still asks about his little sister or "our Angel" and when we can go see her. So ofcourse he was very inquistive when we were unpacking the Angel Balls and asked alot of questions. We told him that they were a special present that God had posted from Heaven for us because he knew we were sad that we couldn'nt bring our baby home. I said they were magical because even though we could never see her the Angel Balls would let us talk to her from Heaven. Marky thought about this for a few seconds and jingled the ball, then said to me "No Mummy Angels don't talk to me, she is singing". He had a few more questions then decided it was like a telephone and when we had answered all his questions he ran to his bedroom and got his St Christpher necklace that we gave him for his christening and told me that he wanted to sing with sister too. And since then he has worn my husband's Angel Ball, but if you ask Marky it's his Angel Telephone.

Sending you so much love and thankyou with all my heart,
Deb xo

Receiving an email like that not only brings out the tissues it also acts as a sign to me from my Angels that I am doing what they have chosen for me to do. This is to help families heal through jewellery, the only language I know.

To read more about Angel balls click here for my Healing with Angel Balls post. Angel balls are also available through this blog or email me to purchase

An Angel ball on a bracelet that can come off and go on a necklace at any time price included engraving of your Angels name onto the ball $120
to purchase email
other Angel Ball style available on the blog right hand side under
Angel Balls

1 comment:

  1. I think that thanks for the valuabe information and insights you have so provided here. free 0800 numbers


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