The Power of A Natural Stone

The Power of A Natural Stone or Crystal

I truly believe that everything on this earth holds an energy. Have you even looked through an Antique store and felt the energy of items inside have you ever wanted to know the stories they could tell? The other day I put a customers necklace on to show her what it looked like on and boy did it feel strange and trust me I am no stranger to putting on lots of different jewellery. I also remember a time I had to do a quick repair for a very special lady to a very important locket of her "Wow" is all I could say. What an amazing energy that piece has I could feel how much it was loved and needed to go home very very quickly.

For centuries people have believed and used natural stones and Crystals for healing. Stones are loved by so many that I often get asked to place loved ones ashes, hair and images in the back of natural stones either for Love or the particular energy one stone my be known to have. Not only do I love natural stones for their beauty and healing powers but not two are ever the same just as no two lives.

If you have a stone that is special to you whether it be a birthstone a stone for Healing, Love, Peace or Abundance please let me know as I can probably get one for you in the shape and size that will suit you. Or it may just be a colour you would like. From Reds to Pinks to Blues Greens and Black stones will suit you all.

Things I have placed in the back of Natural stones are so very personal and the images in the post are just a very few I have done. I place CarlyMarie images in quite often as well as hair that you can see across little hands or footprints. Faces young or old. I placed a much love partners ashes only a week ago under a Yin Yang symbol in the back of a Lapis Lazuli as it was a special stone to a family. I have even sealed a prosthetic eye of a Friends husband in the back of one of the prettiest pink stones I have ever had. As this lady knows sometimes the stones will pick you. Amazing how the stones know.

So leave a comment and tell us about your favorite stone or crystal or email me if you have something special you would like sealed into the back of a stone for you

 Natural stones are not generally found set in gold as the price of gold exceeds the value of the stone. I can however get stones re set in gold for you at a price that would need to quoted based on the size of the stone as the bigger the stone the more gold I would need to use to set the stone 

Moonstone on of the most popular stones

A set of Moonstones or you can buy pendants
ear rings only available in some shapes and styles

Rose Quartz yet another very popular stone for Love

Back of the Rose Quartz

Front and back of a stone that was chosen for it colour and shape as a "blue green" stone "teardrop" was the request from this special lady

Rose Quartz again with a very Fancy setting. Settings can be simple or fancy

Blue Chalcedony
 In Loving Memory of Nathan. Remembering his beautiful blue eyes for his mother. This stone has a small portion of ashes under the photo and hair placed over the top
love to his family and thank you for letting me share ♥

I get asked quite a bit about this stone and settings similar to this. This stone is now with a very special friend of mine and I truly believe it was sent from Heaven just for her by her three little girls. I have never been able to find one like it since. I can get similar setting but nothing quite this magical has come across my path again.

This is not to say I can not find you something very special and unique for you I just want to re state that every stone is different and unique and this makes these stones even more special

A CarlyMarie image in the back

A Yin Yang placed in the back and under this is ashes of a much loved and missed partner

Hair can be placed and sealed so you can see it. Popular to be placed over hand or footprints

Black Onyx with a fingerprint in fine silver in the back

A cabochon cut Amethyst with loved ones images in the back
The lady that ordered these two has ordered many stones from me and in fact bought me the beautiful book "Crystal Therapy, How to Heal and Empower your life with Crystal Energy" by Doreen Virtue. So special for her to do that for me as she wanted me to understand more about the stones and crystals I was working with and that I may be able to help others with this book.
I keep it on my desk

Some stone Rings styles are also available 
These can also hold ashes hair or images
consultation about rings is via email

Remember no two stones are the same and let me know your favorite prices of stones will vary depending on the type of stone and the size stones can also be reset in 9ct gold.
Prices can start as low as $65 to as high as $200 for silver depending on your stone and then gold can be quoted as size will make a big difference in the amount of Gold required

email me
to order your special stone or crystal

Love and light

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