Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Secret......

My office is filled with letters, notes, cards and images that so many lovely families send me. I keep them all and many hang on cork boards or are framed. They remind me on the tough days that what I do makes a difference and helps families to heal. A lot of your emails also go to my testimonial page, a page I read often. Again to remind me to keep going along the path my Angels have chosen for me. The tough days are not only the days I read your stories to help create something special, tough days are also the days I spend editing images for lockets. They say "a picture paints a thousand words", I think that is an understatement, I see so much more in everyone.

Now back to the reason for this post as I seem to have got sidetracked. As I looked around my office today I was reminded and read something I have had up for years and just wanted to share. Many of you would have read it before, I love it.

Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Secret.......

Love and Light to all
I hope you liked her words

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