Back To School

Back To School
"This time of Year" so hard for so many

This week for most of Australia was "Back to School" week 

My news feed on FB has been filled with smiling faces of my friends beautiful children heading off to "first days" of everything from Prep to "last first day of school" for those entering grade 12.

Wow how fast they have all grown it is hard to keep up and I wish you all the best for the coming school year

Some of these georgeos kids I love so much and many of them are rainbows so very exciting times indeed for families 

As exciting as the new school year is for many my mind always turns to many of my friends this year that are in pain and find this time of year very difficult, as news feeds will up and the TV news continually has "Back to School" stories and tears from young ones as well as mum's and dad's 

Sadly many of my friends have tears of another kind. Painful tears as their children that should be starting school never got to live long enough to go. They miss out on this time and I know it hurts and I wanted to blog today to say I am thinking of you all and sending love and peace to your hearts 

Some of my friends have Rainbows and will one day all too soon get that "first day of school" photo and that is fantastic I look farward to that day very much. 

Sadly some of my friends are like us and will never get to take that "first day photo" ever. It is one of those dreams that will never come true one of the many hopes and dreams you have for a child when you first find out you are pregnant 

For these friends I can not find words of comfort I just wanted you to all know how much I do think of you this time of year. How much I know it is just not fair and it will never make sense to me how many of you, all of you so beautiful and who have such loving homes that sadly may remain empty of earth children. To you all I send so much love.

This came up on a friends news feed today and I had already planed to write this post and I guess this was a reminder from my Angels to make sure I did 

We all have hopes and dreams for our children from that day we see those two pink lines or the little stick that says "Positive". To me it does not mater how long you carry your baby for me it was not long for either of them but our dreams were the same.

Love and Light 

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