The memory of a Lifetime

"The Memory of a Lifetime"

This is the story of a personal friend of mine, I would have met her almost 5 years ago now. I remember the day I met her and I even remember where we were sitting and setting up in the gym that day before the class I can even see what Helen was wearing.

We chatted away as most people at the gym do and Helen asked me what I did for a living, in a brief way I explained what I did with my jewellery and Sue-Ella Signature Designs. 

Then I saw her face change, her eyes changed and I knew I was looking into the face and eyes of a lady that had lost a baby. My heart broke for her and I asked her what her little girls name was. I remember her telling me Soraya, it had been a long time since her loss and a long time since she had told a "stranger" her little girls name. Soraya was born sleeping in a time "back then" when you did not say the name of a baby that had died. 

We hugged I told her how sorry I was for her loss and what a beutiful name her little girl has
I knew we would be friends forever 
This is her story and she wanted me to share 

The Memory of a Lifetime
By Helen Desic
My gorgeous memory ball represents the most important things in my heart. My husband, Frank, and I met at the end of 1991. By January 1992 we were engaged and married in March 1993. He’s my soulmate and best friend on this planet. On 15 January 1995 our son, Liam, was born. We had very little to our name but this bouncing baby boy was a joy like no other. He was a miniature Frank, playing drums by the time he was 18 months and we he was the absolute light of our lives. In the midst of buying our land and Frank building our house, another Desic baby was on the way and due in October 2000.
I found out my second baby was a girl at the 18-week scan and Soraya’s pregnancy was as normal as they come. The due date was 21st October. We were thrilled….a pigeon pair! A gorgeous son already and now a daughter to finish our family, what more could we ask for? October was upon us and I was attending the Beaudesert Hospital for check-ups. On the 25th October, 4 days overdue, I attended a hospital appointment for a ‘strip-and-stretch’. The doctor advised me to return to the hospital in the afternoon for induction the next day. I was prepared for the hospital so I arrived and was admitted as the only patient in the maternity ward.
Thursday, 26th October, 40 weeks 5 days pregnant, started early, with the nurses checking on the baby and myself. I telephoned Frank about 8am and advised that the doctor would be in around 9am to break my waters so you and Bec, my sister who was attending the birth, can mosey on down in the next few hours. The nurses came in to check my vitals and returned soon after to check the baby’s heartbeat. I was sitting on the chair and the midwife put the Doppler on my stomach and there was a slow beating sound and I noticed a ‘45’ on the screen of the Doppler. The midwife laughed and said, “I’ve never heard anything like that before”. Another try and there was no sound. She told me to get on to the bed and went to get another midwife and another Doppler. A few minutes later I had two midwives over me with two Dopplers on my full-blown belly. Nothing. No sound. Nothing. One of them said that I needed a scan. At this stage I was confused and didn’t know what to think. I was taken to the x-ray room. In the meantime, Frank and Bec arrived and joined me in the x-ray room. Our baby was gone. There was no heartbeat. She left. The following hours were a nightmare. Social workers, informing family, difficult decisions and the hardest of all - telling Liam her little sister had died. After a traumatic experience, Soraya Rayne Desic was born at 2:28pm on Thursday, 26th October, 2000. She left this life as perfect and innocent as she entered it. She was 8 pound and not a mark on her, absolutely perfect. We spent time with her before she was taken. Her funeral was the following Monday, the day my milk came in. Still in shock and disbelief, I somehow continued on for my family. I was a mother to two children but I only had one in my arms. The months ahead were very difficult. I fell pregnant 7 months later and our second daughter, Kate, was born in February 2002. She was a delight and another absolutely beautiful Desic baby. Frank and I felt we were hadn’t finished our family so Lara was born in April 2006 to finish our family.
The memory ball that Sue created is so precious because it holds all the photos of the people that are embedded in my soul and are more valuable to me than life itself.  Thank you Sue. 

 Thank you for sharing Helen


  1. where can i get a locket like either one of those and how much are they?

  2. Hi these are memory balls this is the link


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